Capricorn and Cancer
Horoscope on compatibility the Capricorn and the Cancer — elements of the earth and elements of water so different, that on a twist of fate can appear in the good pair successfully supplementing the characteristics of each partner. However in the union the Capricorn and the Cancer partners always need to remember the distinctions and not to shift from a sick head on healthy that is registered to each of partners. Partners from the very beginning should be able to make a compromise each other, differently the pliability of water and hardness of a stone cannot form a fertile soil in which there could live their dreams and hope.
High astrological compatibility
Compatibility between the Capricorn and the Cancer is extremely high, judging by a horoscope of compatibility of these two, cannot separate even the most adverse circumstances. Both signs on the zodiac in the union the Capricorn and the Cancer combine qualities, though also unlike qualities of the partner, nevertheless, not contradicting each other. In other words, the prevailing majority of desires, characteristics and qualities of both partners also differ and resemble each other in one and too time, they as go in a correct direction.Nevertheless, the real life is not registered in books, even in safe families there are the negative moments working against their joint happiness. So on an example, despite the restrained way of life both partners the Capricorn and the Cancer aspire to leadership, of course, when nearby there is outstanding personality undoubtedly no ability eclipsing them. For reception of more detailed description of all probable difficulties in relations between the Capricorn and the Cancer it is necessary to make a personal horoscope as in the general horoscope of compatibility it is impossible to open all factors influencing your relations with the partner.