Mooqla Barbie

Sign on the zodiac — Cancer


The fourth sign on the zodiac — the Cancer. Intuition and feelings — here the basic characteristic lines of this zodiac cycle. He/she is the first representative of elements of water to whom by nature paranormal abilities are given. Cancers can catch feelings, and even thoughts of other people, deeply to empathize, as their actions are based on feelings, instead of reason arguments.

The patroness of a zodiac sign Cancer — Moon

The moon aggravates their ability to have a presentiment of danger, their intuition. To cancers the feeling of security and reliability is very important, on it in a life they aspire to creation of own house, as shelters for themselves and relatives. Representatives of a sign on the zodiac the Cancer always aspire to comfort. Also, Cancers appreciate regularity of vital way, like to receive visitors. Close people concern with care and caress. In love it is reliable and devoted partners which fall in love once and for all. They love on the present, trying deeply to learn the partner as the person.

The huge print for all life for the Cancer leaves the childhood, childhood experiences are more true. To a cancer relations with parents, those emotional roots which form private world are very important. In a life the Cancer often is guided by parental instincts for protection of the relatives.
In professional sphere, characteristic line of Cancers is their high fitness to various situations, people, circumstances. They reliable partners and at times are self-denying at achievement of overall aims.

Thanks to the intuition at Cancers creative abilities and imagination are strongly developed, but sometimes it leads to their supersensitivity and as consequence — to whims. For Cancers very important approval from the important persons, an estimation of their achievements and the spent efforts.

The characteristic of a zodiac cycle Cancer