Mooqla Barbie

Pepper spray — rather useful charm
Glamor Pepper Spray

Pepper Spray For Your Safety

If you have a possibility be trained in circulation with a gas spray. For this purpose get a bottle with usual compressed air and ask to play somebody from friends a role of the criminal. Only do not transform training into an entertainment. Practice as much as possible seriously and resolutely.

Glamor Pepper Charm

Pepper SprayMany now use a pepper spray as a charm on which the bunch of keys hangs. If you have appeared in dark street or in dangerous area of a city it is better to hold a pepper spray on call, clamped in a palm. After all the attack can appear sudden and then you will appear limited in time. Having felt threat, immediately put the big finger on the spray button to be ready in any second to press.

Gas sprayLearn to apply boxing biases, fulfill repeated dispersion of gas during one fight. The blinded criminal, as a rule, rushes there where you stood before application of peppery gas.

Therefore it's very important to learn correctly to move, and to leave from collision with the mad criminal. As soon as the criminal will fail, you should leave from a scene. Reach the nearest crowded place, and call therefrom in police.

Choosing pepper spray, pay attention on two basic characteristics: volume (gas should suffice a minimum for ten seconds of continuous dispersion) and concentration of a mix (concentration capsicum oleoresinie a gas mix should make not less than 10%).