The Astrology of New Time
A coming 2012 is the Year of a Black Water Dragon — the mythical unit possessing very strong strong-willed character, very different from all other zodiac signs. The Year promises to become difficult, but invariably interesting time, difficulties of the personal plan will have something in common with world scale problems, but to solve all of them is necessary together, together with the All World Community.
The Black Dragon Horoscope
The 2012 Black Dragon Year will be very favorable for the creativity of sensual emotions. The Dragon have a respect for a not ordinary people, active which are able and like to work with a spark, enthusiasm, with the creative approach and the imagination. In a global scale the New Age will show a many names among the new artists, actors, musicians, designers.
This Year's period can how to present incredible success in the business and material welfare, and also fake an old honor if the person was lazy, passive and boring. A different types of the horoscopes in 2012 surround nevertheless the four uniform elements: riches, longevity, harmony and virtue.
Don't Gossips, But Do the Good Deeds!
The Dragon possesses excellent health, surplus of a vital force and a positive activity, doesn't a trifles and doesn't play into the hypocrite and also isn't capable to a malignant gossip. The 2012 Dragon for the life will not feel need because can succeed everywhere, in any business.
For a high-grade work, to head for true success, all representatives of a zodiac circle should be free from the unnecessary communications, uninteresting work. At the very beginning of the Dragon's Year it's possible to change safely work, to begin training, to sort out relations with the favorite people.